Thursday, 5 February 2009

create your own trust

If you're invited into a trust, then it will be explained in person. After all, you already have a real trust relationship. The money is just a game, for us to learn how to play with it, to actually use it to enumerate things we actually really value, like good intentions, great ideas, beautiful acts of generosity.

If you are not invited, don't bother thinking you need to join. Just start your own. Find a friend you trust, and start tip-tweeting each other for things you do for one another. If you or your friend trust other people, then invite them, but remember they have full access to the shared money you have between you.

Interesting things might start happening when trusts connect through mutually trusted people. That means that a trust of say 7 people, suddenly merge with a trust of say 4 people, through one mutual individual. That changes the dynamics. If we have several hundred small trusts, we might find them suddenly coallescing into one large trust, naturally just because of the 6 degrees of separation and the more significant trust relationships which we forge between us as we grow.

The trust_hive was started between evangineer and happyseaurchin. We agreed on an entry contribution of $25. At the time of writing, there are four in the trust which means we are playing with $100 collectively. If we were to map our relationships it would be a square with one diagonal line from corner to corner. This means that two people know the other three, and two people only know two. Every time someone is invited, the shape of the trust will change, and so will the flow of value.

Contact us somehow, tweet us perhaps, so you can contribute to this blog, write up your trust name, and so on. We might not be in the same trust, for now, but if the world is connected the way we think it is (and I don't mean just virtual connections), then it might only be a matter of time before we end up sharing our trust.

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